Artist Statement
The countryside we have in the UK is very precious. It's a space which we all share.
When it comes to painting, I hope that my pictures display the value of such places and what a shame it would be to lose them.
It's through art that I hope to reach out to communities by inviting people into experiencing the outdoors together.
Recently, I have been connecting through social media particularly with those who love to go on walks. It would be great to know that paintings of such scenic places they enjoy have been a reminicent and delightful experience as those people reflect on past memories of their own time out in nature.
Another aspect of painting landscapes that I love is that quite frankly I don't have to be as strict in where I place my brush on the canvas. Sometimes I do think that maybe it's a cop out, but in many cases I find that having that liberty allows me the pleasure of thinking about my own experiences in those places with family or friends. On my computer I have many photographs from walks in the Peak District and Derbyshire's countryside close to home. Most of them have been taken on very memorable days.
One very memorable day was the 4th March 2015 in which my Dad and I went on a journey into the Derbyshire Dales. That same day I took many pictures, but on our way to Buxton our car ended up on its roof. Thankful to God we are both alive and well and came out unharmed. I was also able to paint a great picture inspired by a photograph I took that same day, which I called Rural March.
About 2 years later, that painting was sold and I'll never forget how: At an art & craft fair in Derbyshire a local farmer came in and his face lit up and with his grubby hands and thick rural accent, quite simply said , "I like that!" and bought it.
Meeting ordinary people and sharing stories, that's why I enjoy doing this work.